Tag Archives: rockstar

Sam’s July Newsletter

2 Jul

Sams Dog Rules - No Look, No Talk, No Touch

Written by: Marj Mulholland

July 2012

Sam says, “On Wednesday 20 June I went into DOGGY HOSPITAL and had a really big lymphoma (that means a fatty lump) removed from my side.  Apparently lots of dogs and people can get them.   I am lucky that there were no nasties there, it was an uncomfortable spot and was getting bigger.

I was a bit nervous when I realised that my Pack Leader was leaving me. I know that my Pack Leader would only leave me when she knows the Vet will become my Pack Leader and I will feel safe.  Well I am home again and a bit sore but getting better every day.


It is hard for us humans when we have sick pets or have to leave them in someone else’s care.  We need to know that all the staff love our pets in order for us to feel safe leaving them.

As humans we need lots of talk and reassurance and we often feel upset and anxious.  This is normal for us but we must remember that animals love it when we do the opposite.   So if your pet is left in someone elses care, the best gift we can give our pet is to give them what they need, and that is being in Pack Leader energy (stay calm and assertive).  Then our pets will know they are safe, no matter where we leave them.


“I went to Royal Oak School in Epsom Auckland for five days.  Boy, it’s a real big school.  They have 26 classes there.  Lots of lovely kids and they were very well behaved.  The second day I was walking across the playground and there were suddenly crowds of little people all calling my name.   I was a bit overwhelmed and looked like a “rock star”, but I looked at Annie and she didn’t look anxious, so I relaxed and just went with the flow.

I have been on a big road trip to Wellington.   I was at Seatoun Middle School right beside the harbour and was again a “rock star”.   Even the teachers wanted to meet me and could not keep their hands off me.

After that I went to WelTEC at Petone and Annie talked to the Vet nursing students – they learnt lots about how to handle dogs, sick and well.    I liked travelling in the car on my big adventure – lots of walks in the rain and cold, even snow on the mountains on the Desert Road– perhaps I’ll not have my woolly coat shaved next time I drive south”.

If you want me to come to your school, contact Annie my Pack Leader.”

See you next month….”

“You can send me a doggy get well card. If you like!” send to sam@samsdogrules.com

Don’t forget to send in your questions to me, either here in the comments, or by email to sam@samsdogrules.com, or on my Facebook page.  You can even Tweet your questions to me, my Twitter name is @SamsDogRules.   I will answer them personally and in the next newsletter.